Please join us for an Information Meeting:
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 7-9 PM 1165 Shady Ln, Ashland For more information contact [email protected] Classical Conversations is a national classical and Christian homeschooling program seeking to empower parents. Classical Conversations meets once a week, providing weekly accountability, encouragement, and structure that supplement and support what is being taught at home. On a weekly basis, we offer Foundations, Essentials, and Challenge programs in local communities. Find out how Classical Conversations can help you redeem your own education so that you can do the hard, but rewarding work of teaching your own children. Foundations is for ages 4-12. We meet weekly for 24 weeks each year. We work on memory work in history, math, Latin, English grammar, science, and geography. We also do science experiments and fine arts projects together as well as oral presentations. Students are placed in classes of 8 with a paid tutor who is also a homeschooling mom. Essentials is for 3rd-6th graders. We meet in the afternoon after Foundations from 1:00-3:00. We spend 45 minutes on intensive English grammar, 30 minutes on Math games, and 45 minutes on Institute for Excellence in Writing assignments. The kids love it, and the parents have been delighted with the boost that Essentials provides to their children’s academics. Challenge is for 7th-12th graders. Students meet with a tutor weekly for 30 weeks each year to study core subjects such as literature, history, science with labs, math, logic, debate, theology, geography, and two foreign languages. Emphasis during class time is on discussion, presentation and lab work with students taking responsibility for additional research, reading, and assignments throughout the week. Please join us for the evening to learn more about the classical model of education from a Christian perspective and Classical Conversations. Also, visit our website at to find out more about these programs. Download the flyer Comments are closed.