If you are thinking about home schooling, we would love for you to join us at our Introduction to Home Education seminar. The event is free and open to anyone who is considering home schooling this year or in upcoming years. You will not only be able to hear a lot about the nuts and bolts of home education, but you can also interact personally with some experience home schoolers from the area. Speakers for the evening include Pastor Matt Timmons and Glenna Amiralian, who will cover topics such as “A House that Fears the Lord” and “Starting Homeschool on the Right Foot.” A panel of homeschooling families will also be available to answer questions and give personal testimony to the benefits of home education. There will also be information available for the local Classical Conversations group. Other possible groups may be represented too, such as the Ashland home school gym class, the Mansfield area homeschool support group (Training Leaders for Christ), and other local home school activities/groups. The event is tentatively set to be held at the Ashland Public Library on Tuesday August 6th from 6:30-8:30. Children are welcome to attend with their parents and refreshments will be available.
Please join us for an Information Meeting:
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 7-9 PM 1165 Shady Ln, Ashland For more information contact [email protected] Classical Conversations is a national classical and Christian homeschooling program seeking to empower parents. Classical Conversations meets once a week, providing weekly accountability, encouragement, and structure that supplement and support what is being taught at home. On a weekly basis, we offer Foundations, Essentials, and Challenge programs in local communities. Find out how Classical Conversations can help you redeem your own education so that you can do the hard, but rewarding work of teaching your own children. Foundations is for ages 4-12. We meet weekly for 24 weeks each year. We work on memory work in history, math, Latin, English grammar, science, and geography. We also do science experiments and fine arts projects together as well as oral presentations. Students are placed in classes of 8 with a paid tutor who is also a homeschooling mom. Essentials is for 3rd-6th graders. We meet in the afternoon after Foundations from 1:00-3:00. We spend 45 minutes on intensive English grammar, 30 minutes on Math games, and 45 minutes on Institute for Excellence in Writing assignments. The kids love it, and the parents have been delighted with the boost that Essentials provides to their children’s academics. Challenge is for 7th-12th graders. Students meet with a tutor weekly for 30 weeks each year to study core subjects such as literature, history, science with labs, math, logic, debate, theology, geography, and two foreign languages. Emphasis during class time is on discussion, presentation and lab work with students taking responsibility for additional research, reading, and assignments throughout the week. Please join us for the evening to learn more about the classical model of education from a Christian perspective and Classical Conversations. Also, visit our website at www.classicalconversations.com to find out more about these programs. Download the flyer The Ashland City Soccer Association has announced that it is time to sign up for the Spring season. If your child is between the ages of 5 and 15, he or she is eligible to play. You can download the registration form and send it in by February 15. Cost is $20. Be sure to act fast as the teams typically fill up fast. We are seriously considering the formation of a High School Homeschool Boys Basketball Team for the 2012-2013 school year. We have a son who will be in 9th grade next year and enjoys basketball. It seems that at this point his only option would be to take classes at a public school in order to be on the basketball team. We want another option. Following the example of the Holmes County baseball team we decided to form a Homeschool Boys Basketball Team. What we need now is players. We need to know what kind of interest there is in the Ashland area for a team. Please contact us at [email protected] if you interested. Mike and Raylene Hlavaty Recently I received a request from the lifestyle editor of the Ashland Times Gazette that I would like to pass on to you. The paper features original artwork by elementary students depicting the weather conditions for the day. Currently, there is a need for winter pictures that don’t depict snow. (Remember our rainy December!) This is also an opportunity to showcase some of the home school students who are not yet represented in this section of the paper.
If you’re elementary aged children would like to submit pictures please make sure that they are on white paper and drawn in crayons or markers. Place the child’s name, grade and home school denotation at the lower left margin of the page. The request is specifically for winter pictures without snow. (no leaves on trees, cloudy, etc..) You may encourage your children to show children engaging in winter activities in their pictures. Of course as the weather changes there are opportunities for other types of pictures so feel free to continue submitting different types of pictures. This is a great practical way to tie in art and weather studies and have your student published! Drop off or mail pictures to Lifestyle, Ashland Times Gazette, 40 E.Second St., Ashland OH 44805. If you have any questions you can direct them to Patty Knox at [email protected]. Blessings, Sherry M. Bouquet Friends,
I've been asked if I was going to offer any classes next semester. If there is enough interest, I might be able to swing it. Here is my list from which to choose (note there are a few new ones): Public Speaking (details here) Creative Writing (details here) Composition—In this class we will work through the basic components of research and composition. The students will begin by writing a simple book report. Then they will do a beginner level research paper (3-5 pages) on a historical figure. The class will end with a major research paper (10 pages) on a contemporary issue. Journalism-- Students will learn the basics components of writing for newspapers and blogs. They will then be required to do basic journalistic research, conduct interviews and then write articles. Basic Doctrine (Sr. High) Basic Doctrine (Jr. High): Students will study some of the elementary principles of the faith through the Westminster Shorter Catechism (check out the textbook we'll use here). They will be required to study and memorize the Westminster Shorter Catechism, commit to memory the verses that accompany it each question and answer, fulfill assignments and take tests & quizzes.Christian ethics: I am also open to suggestions. If you have a class you would like to see taught, let me know! Each class would be 10-12 weeks in length and cost $65 per student or $110 for multiple children.Also, if you can't swing it in the new year but might be interested next fall (or summer if you are a year-rounder), just let me know. Godspeed to you all, Matt Timmons www.kindledfire.com [email protected] 419-289-2552 Paxton Snively Memorial Walk/Bike-a-thon
Tuesday, November 15th at 1:00pm Location: Trinity Baptist Church 891 St. Rte. 511 Ashland, OH 44805 Those that choose to ride bikes (weather permitting) will ride in the church parking lot. The gym will also be available for walkers if weather is bad. Participants can choose to walk/bike by distance or time. Please share with your friends and church family as others are welcome to join us. We chose to have the pledge donations to buy bicycles for Gospel for Asia missionaries because Paxton enjoyed riding his bike and thought the Gospel for Asia ministry was very important. Because Paxton was 7 years old, we have a goal of raising enough money to purchase 7 bicycles for the missionaries. If 40 people raised just $20 each we could reach this goal! You may download a pledge sheet here if you have not received one. You are encouraged to ask friends and family to sponsor you in your walk/bike-a-thon. If you would like to find out more information, please visit the Gospel for Asia website at http://www.gfa.org/ministries/bicycles/. If you have any questions you can contact: Daniel or Amanda Wolfe at 419-281-1645 or at[email protected] Join us for the Fall 2011 Session of HOOT!, from 10 am - 2 pm. We will
offer two outdoor education classes, and have a sack lunch midday. Cost per child: $10.00. No fee for parents. Please bring a packed lunch, something to drink, and outerwear appropriate for the weather, as we will be outside for most of the class times, rain or shine. Pre-registration required. 5370 Bunker Hill Rd. Butler, Ohio (near Malabar Farm/Pleasant Hill Lake/Mohican State Park). More details: We will be exploring archeology in a mock dig and geology of Hemlock falls. The day begins at 10 and will end at 2. Please bring a packed lunch and dress for the weather as we will be outside most of the day! You may call me directly at 419-938-6671 if you should need additional information. Hope to see you there. Ray Coleman, Executive Director Mohican Outdoor School 419-938-6671 A couple of weeks ago I put out a preliminary email concerning a Spanish class for the homeschooling community. Many of you have responded, and I am so excited about the start of this class! Now that we have things more nailed down, I'm letting you all know the "official" details. We will plan to hold our first class on October 21, 2011 beginning at 10:00 in the morning. I will give an overview of the class and lay out some goals, etc. I will also be getting a feel for how many classes are necessary, according to the different levels of understanding and previous experience. As of right now, I believe 2 classes should be sufficient, but am open to doing one more if needed. The classes will be held at the Ashland Brethren in Christ Church (2750 Mifflin Ave. Ashland, OH 44805). For this first class, please park in the front and use the front entrance. Due to other activities being held at the church that morning, we will be meeting at the back of the sanctuary. Future classes will be held in a classroom and we will park around back and enter the church from there. Different ones of you have asked what grade levels will be included and, after much deliberation, I believe that anyone from first grade on up will be welcome to attend. Of course, moms with younger (or older) children are welcome to hang out in the class, as well. There are also other classrooms and a library that you would be welcome to wait in if younger ones need more "wiggle room". If the weather is nice, there's lots of room outside to run and play and also a nice fenced in playground. The cost for the class is $5 per child, with a $10 cap per family. To avoid the confusion of weekly payments, I will ask for payment at the first class. However, my desire is to be a resource to the homeschool community, not a financial burden, so please talk to me if this is not feasible for you, and I'm sure we can work something out! The classes will be held every other Friday morning for a total of 12 weeks. Many of you have already responded to my earlier email, so thank you for your interest! For planning purposes, if you have not sent me an email stating your intent to attend this class, please do so. My email address is: [email protected] Again, thanks for your interest! In Him, SaRee' Lamb |