If you are thinking about home schooling, we would love for you to join us at our Introduction to Home Education seminar. The event is free and open to anyone who is considering home schooling this year or in upcoming years. You will not only be able to hear a lot about the nuts and bolts of home education, but you can also interact personally with some experience home schoolers from the area. Speakers for the evening include Pastor Matt Timmons and Glenna Amiralian, who will cover topics such as “A House that Fears the Lord” and “Starting Homeschool on the Right Foot.” A panel of homeschooling families will also be available to answer questions and give personal testimony to the benefits of home education. There will also be information available for the local Classical Conversations group. Other possible groups may be represented too, such as the Ashland home school gym class, the Mansfield area homeschool support group (Training Leaders for Christ), and other local home school activities/groups. The event is tentatively set to be held at the Ashland Public Library on Tuesday August 6th from 6:30-8:30. Children are welcome to attend with their parents and refreshments will be available.
The Ashland City Soccer Association has announced that it is time to sign up for the Spring season. If your child is between the ages of 5 and 15, he or she is eligible to play. You can download the registration form and send it in by February 15. Cost is $20. Be sure to act fast as the teams typically fill up fast. Recently I received a request from the lifestyle editor of the Ashland Times Gazette that I would like to pass on to you. The paper features original artwork by elementary students depicting the weather conditions for the day. Currently, there is a need for winter pictures that don’t depict snow. (Remember our rainy December!) This is also an opportunity to showcase some of the home school students who are not yet represented in this section of the paper.
If you’re elementary aged children would like to submit pictures please make sure that they are on white paper and drawn in crayons or markers. Place the child’s name, grade and home school denotation at the lower left margin of the page. The request is specifically for winter pictures without snow. (no leaves on trees, cloudy, etc..) You may encourage your children to show children engaging in winter activities in their pictures. Of course as the weather changes there are opportunities for other types of pictures so feel free to continue submitting different types of pictures. This is a great practical way to tie in art and weather studies and have your student published! Drop off or mail pictures to Lifestyle, Ashland Times Gazette, 40 E.Second St., Ashland OH 44805. If you have any questions you can direct them to Patty Knox at [email protected]. Blessings, Sherry M. Bouquet Paxton Snively Memorial Walk/Bike-a-thon
Tuesday, November 15th at 1:00pm Location: Trinity Baptist Church 891 St. Rte. 511 Ashland, OH 44805 Those that choose to ride bikes (weather permitting) will ride in the church parking lot. The gym will also be available for walkers if weather is bad. Participants can choose to walk/bike by distance or time. Please share with your friends and church family as others are welcome to join us. We chose to have the pledge donations to buy bicycles for Gospel for Asia missionaries because Paxton enjoyed riding his bike and thought the Gospel for Asia ministry was very important. Because Paxton was 7 years old, we have a goal of raising enough money to purchase 7 bicycles for the missionaries. If 40 people raised just $20 each we could reach this goal! You may download a pledge sheet here if you have not received one. You are encouraged to ask friends and family to sponsor you in your walk/bike-a-thon. If you would like to find out more information, please visit the Gospel for Asia website at http://www.gfa.org/ministries/bicycles/. If you have any questions you can contact: Daniel or Amanda Wolfe at 419-281-1645 or at[email protected] The Creation Museum presents a unique and unparalleled experience, a walk through time portraying significant, life-altering events from the past, illuminating the effects of biblical history on our present and future world. Be prepared to experience history in a completely unprecedented way. Our state-of-the-art exhibits, Stargazer's planetarium, life-sized dinosaur animatronics and beautiful outdoor gardens with paved walking trails and petting zoo make this an exciting addition to every homeschool curriculum.
For the months of September and October (Sept. 1 - Oct. 27), the Creation Museum will be running special pricing just for Homeschool families. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday's are Homeschool Days. Admission to the Museum is only $12 for adults (13 and up) and $8 for children (5-12). The Stargazer's Planetarium is also specially priced at only $5. To take advantage of this special Homeschool offer, please present the attached PDF at the Creation Museum on the day of your visit. This pricing is ONLY available with the PDF coupon. ** As a special bonus, when your admission tickets are printed, they will be coded with the word "BLUE." Simply present your tickets in Noah's Cafe or the Dragon Hall Bookstore to receive a 5% discount on all purchases. The ticket must be presented at the time of purchase.** Please pass this along to any, and all, homeschooling families you know. This is not a group rate. It is available to ALL Homeschool families. When you forward this message on, please be sure to include the attachment. If for some reason the PDF is not attached, you can access it here: http://tinyurl.com/3g7jbsp If you have any questions at all regarding the Fall Homeschool Days, contact Eddie Lutz at 859-240-6642 or email [email protected]. P.S. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO FORWARD THIS INFORMATION TO ANY AND ALL OF YOUR HOMESCHOOL CONNECTIONS!! eddie lutz area representative [email protected] phone (888) 582-4253 ext. 377 fax (859) 727-5415 www.creationmuseum.org Saturday, September 17, 2011
Zoar Civil War Reenactment Zoar Village - Zoar Saturday 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.: Experience Civil War camp life, life on the home front, and the Battle of Bull Run! Reenactment includes period wedding, sutlers and shops, night battle, Evening Ball, food, music, and more! $7/adult, Free/age 14 and under. Ohio Historical Society members save 10%. 330.874.3011 or 800.262.6195. Learn more at zca.org. Come and celebrate the end of the school year @ the Watson's again and meet other area homeschoolers at our end of the school year picnic! We are having it on June 18@ 4pm with a rain date of June 25. We will grill out and you bring a side if your last name begins with A-M and a dessert if it begins N-Z. Message me if you need directions:
. We are scheduled to help the Care Center by doing a spring clean-up to spruce up the outside of the building on May 21st at 10a.m. I hope to be done by noon. We will be doing weeding, pruning, and planting some flowers. We would love to have extra help - as the old saying goes - "many hands make light the work"! This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to a worthy organization and to show our children how we should help the community. Please let me know if you think you might be able to come and bring any of your own gardening tools (gloves, pruners, shovels, etc.) Sincerely, Jennifer Abbruzzese This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
I wanted to share with you the opportunity we have to participate in the National Bible Bee, right here in Ashland, OH. Melody Swartzentruber and her family have driven an hour away to participate in this program for the past 2 years and have felt called to bring this opportunity home to Ashland. The National Bible Bee helps families to establish the life-long habit of discipleship in God's Word and prayer. One of the visions of the Bible Bee is to recognize, encourage, and reward children for diligent study of God’s Word. There are age appropriate materials available for the whole family to do together. The program runs from June 1 - August 28, with the local bee being held on Saturday, Aug. 27. I would like to encourage you to consider the Bible Bee, not as yet another activity, but as an opportunity in life that supports your goal of training and teaching your children that we are to be ALL about living and talking about Christ. This is an activity that has eternal results . . . it will help us as families to focus on what is important. Whether you think you have a champion at your house or not, I'd like to encourage you to have your whole family involved, so that your children will experience the excitement of witnessing other families holding God's Word as a top priority. There are three levels of participation available, so if you have a child that might not be interested in the intense study necessary for the opportunity to participate in the National Bee, perhaps they could register for the Timothy Track. This is the same study as the National Track, but with less verses to memorize. There is also the Supporting Sibling Track for those who may not yet be old enough to participate, or those who just might not want to compete. All three tracks receive the same study information and are encouraged to attend all of the summer activities. For more information, or to register, please visit www.BibleBee.org. Registration begins April 1. Space is limited, though to 75 participants, so if you think you might be interested, please don't wait too long to sing up! If you have any questions, you may contact me directly either by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 419-281-1542. Thank you for considering this opportunity to help encourage families to study God's Word together this summer. Below is a message that comes from the people at our local pregnancy center (Ashland Care Center). They have been on the front lines of passing the new legislation in Columbus known as the Heartbeat Bill. If you have not heard, this would make incredible restrictions on abortion if passed. Our pregnancy center is asking for particular support from women around the state. As you may know, Planned Parenthood is spreading the lie that this piece of legislation is "anti-woman." The presence of pro life ladies would help to prove otherwise. WOMEN - WE NEED YOU!! When: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 @ 9:00 AM Where: House Hearing Room #116 The Ohio Statehouse 1 Capitol Square Columbus, Ohio Help us pass the Heartbeat Bill - HB 125 - which if passed will insure that once a heartbeat is detected a pre-born infant will be protected from abortion. Come to Columbus for "Women's Day" this Wednesday and stand with other women as a show of unity to our State Representatives that we as women stand together in support of the Heartbeat Bill. For more information, call Ducia Hamm 419.281.1111 FYI - Giving opportunity: http://www.heartbeatbill.com/images/fundraiser.pdf |