Please join us for an Information Meeting:
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 7-9 PM 1165 Shady Ln, Ashland For more information contact [email protected] Classical Conversations is a national classical and Christian homeschooling program seeking to empower parents. Classical Conversations meets once a week, providing weekly accountability, encouragement, and structure that supplement and support what is being taught at home. On a weekly basis, we offer Foundations, Essentials, and Challenge programs in local communities. Find out how Classical Conversations can help you redeem your own education so that you can do the hard, but rewarding work of teaching your own children. Foundations is for ages 4-12. We meet weekly for 24 weeks each year. We work on memory work in history, math, Latin, English grammar, science, and geography. We also do science experiments and fine arts projects together as well as oral presentations. Students are placed in classes of 8 with a paid tutor who is also a homeschooling mom. Essentials is for 3rd-6th graders. We meet in the afternoon after Foundations from 1:00-3:00. We spend 45 minutes on intensive English grammar, 30 minutes on Math games, and 45 minutes on Institute for Excellence in Writing assignments. The kids love it, and the parents have been delighted with the boost that Essentials provides to their children’s academics. Challenge is for 7th-12th graders. Students meet with a tutor weekly for 30 weeks each year to study core subjects such as literature, history, science with labs, math, logic, debate, theology, geography, and two foreign languages. Emphasis during class time is on discussion, presentation and lab work with students taking responsibility for additional research, reading, and assignments throughout the week. Please join us for the evening to learn more about the classical model of education from a Christian perspective and Classical Conversations. Also, visit our website at to find out more about these programs. Download the flyer Friends,
I've been asked if I was going to offer any classes next semester. If there is enough interest, I might be able to swing it. Here is my list from which to choose (note there are a few new ones): Public Speaking (details here) Creative Writing (details here) Composition—In this class we will work through the basic components of research and composition. The students will begin by writing a simple book report. Then they will do a beginner level research paper (3-5 pages) on a historical figure. The class will end with a major research paper (10 pages) on a contemporary issue. Journalism-- Students will learn the basics components of writing for newspapers and blogs. They will then be required to do basic journalistic research, conduct interviews and then write articles. Basic Doctrine (Sr. High) Basic Doctrine (Jr. High): Students will study some of the elementary principles of the faith through the Westminster Shorter Catechism (check out the textbook we'll use here). They will be required to study and memorize the Westminster Shorter Catechism, commit to memory the verses that accompany it each question and answer, fulfill assignments and take tests & quizzes.Christian ethics: I am also open to suggestions. If you have a class you would like to see taught, let me know! Each class would be 10-12 weeks in length and cost $65 per student or $110 for multiple children.Also, if you can't swing it in the new year but might be interested next fall (or summer if you are a year-rounder), just let me know. Godspeed to you all, Matt Timmons [email protected] 419-289-2552 Join us for the Fall 2011 Session of HOOT!, from 10 am - 2 pm. We will
offer two outdoor education classes, and have a sack lunch midday. Cost per child: $10.00. No fee for parents. Please bring a packed lunch, something to drink, and outerwear appropriate for the weather, as we will be outside for most of the class times, rain or shine. Pre-registration required. 5370 Bunker Hill Rd. Butler, Ohio (near Malabar Farm/Pleasant Hill Lake/Mohican State Park). More details: We will be exploring archeology in a mock dig and geology of Hemlock falls. The day begins at 10 and will end at 2. Please bring a packed lunch and dress for the weather as we will be outside most of the day! You may call me directly at 419-938-6671 if you should need additional information. Hope to see you there. Ray Coleman, Executive Director Mohican Outdoor School 419-938-6671 A couple of weeks ago I put out a preliminary email concerning a Spanish class for the homeschooling community. Many of you have responded, and I am so excited about the start of this class! Now that we have things more nailed down, I'm letting you all know the "official" details. We will plan to hold our first class on October 21, 2011 beginning at 10:00 in the morning. I will give an overview of the class and lay out some goals, etc. I will also be getting a feel for how many classes are necessary, according to the different levels of understanding and previous experience. As of right now, I believe 2 classes should be sufficient, but am open to doing one more if needed. The classes will be held at the Ashland Brethren in Christ Church (2750 Mifflin Ave. Ashland, OH 44805). For this first class, please park in the front and use the front entrance. Due to other activities being held at the church that morning, we will be meeting at the back of the sanctuary. Future classes will be held in a classroom and we will park around back and enter the church from there. Different ones of you have asked what grade levels will be included and, after much deliberation, I believe that anyone from first grade on up will be welcome to attend. Of course, moms with younger (or older) children are welcome to hang out in the class, as well. There are also other classrooms and a library that you would be welcome to wait in if younger ones need more "wiggle room". If the weather is nice, there's lots of room outside to run and play and also a nice fenced in playground. The cost for the class is $5 per child, with a $10 cap per family. To avoid the confusion of weekly payments, I will ask for payment at the first class. However, my desire is to be a resource to the homeschool community, not a financial burden, so please talk to me if this is not feasible for you, and I'm sure we can work something out! The classes will be held every other Friday morning for a total of 12 weeks. Many of you have already responded to my earlier email, so thank you for your interest! For planning purposes, if you have not sent me an email stating your intent to attend this class, please do so. My email address is: [email protected] Again, thanks for your interest! In Him, SaRee' Lamb I got a call from Jen Arbaugh, former public school teacher who is now home with her own children. She is willing to offer piano and voice lessons during the day, and wanted home educators to know. [We always used to look for activities "during the day" instead of the usual "after school" times.] I don't know this person at all, so I can't give a reference. Just passing along information I received!
Jen Arbaugh piano / voice lessons during the day 419-651-0533 Hi, everyone!
The next Narnia class (in which we plan to study Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader ) will be held on Thursdays at the Brethren in Christ Church on Mifflin Avenue, beginning September 29 at 1:30 p.m. I am working out a syllabus that will get us done before Christmas (but probably not much before--as we are starting later than in previous terms). If you are interested in having your student(s) participate in the class, please call (419-289-9714) or e-mail me, and I will contact you with additional information. I'm looking forward to this next installment. These books are some of my favorites--although I think I like best whichever book I'm teaching at the time. Becky Miller Some of you have expressed interest in taking the classes that I wish to offer this fall. For this reason I thought I would spell out in more detail what will be entailed in each. The following regards the public speaking course. I am still looking for more young people to participate in the classes. So please do let me know as soon as you can if you have any interest. As well, please feel free to contact me about any further questions you may have. Email: [email protected] Phone: 419-289-2552 Objectives: 1. To understand the basis for coherent communication and the Christian’s duty to hone skills of public discourse. 2. To gain confidence in public discourse and conquer speech apprehension; 3. To understand the impact of purpose, occasion, and audience on spoken discourse; 4. To develop basic concepts in speech which include adequate volume, pitch, variety and varied rate, gestures, body movement, and eye contact; 5. To use standard grammar usage and mature diction which includes a clarity of enunciation and expression; 6. To choose suitable topics and organize them in a logical manner; 7. To develop familiarity with activities such as impromptu speaking and argumentation; 8. To organize, develop, and support a chosen topic within a specific time limit; 9. To gain effective listening skills. Content: In this class each student will be required to… 1. Participate in class lecture and discussion, which will cover the above material; 2. Listen to and discuss famous speeches (Patrick Henry, Give me Liberty or Give me death. Martin Luther King Jr., “I have a dream”);* 3. Deliver 5-7 speeches and participate in a public debate; Students must also turn in manuscripts for each assigned speech. 4. Conduct critiques of peer’s speeches Speeches to be delivered: 1. Personal introduction: A warm up exercise where you will introduce a fellow class member to the rest of the class. The exercise will help students become acquainted and begin to develop a comfort when speaking in front of audiences. (20-30 seconds) 2. Skits: A warm up exercise where you will act out a scene. The exercise will help to develop a comfort when standing before audiences. Students will also begin to critique their peers’ presentations. (45-60 seconds) 3. *Personal experience: This more advanced warm up exercise seeks to develop your story telling skills. You will be required to recount a personal experience. In this assignment you must integrate vivid language, description, gesture, posture, enthusiasm, diction, as discussed in class. 4. *Impromptu speech: another warm-up exercise where you will be given a topic at class time and required to speak to or about it. This exercise will develop a students ability to organize thoughts quickly and deal with the pressure of a “think on your feet” moment. 5. Informative speech: In this first major assignment you will choose a topic of an informative nature (i.e. a “how to speech”). You will be required to put into practice the topics covered in class, particularly the distinctive elements of an informative speech. 6. Persuasive speech: In this first major assignment you will choose a topic which you will try to persuade the audience (i.e. a “you must speech”). You will be required to put into practice the topics covered in class, particularly the distinctive elements of an persuasive speech. 7. Opinion (or pet peeve) speech: In this speech you will have the opportunity to rant on any personal pet peeve. You will be required to use language of a more forceful nature, while all the while demonstrating a courteous tone. In this exercise you will seek to develop the idea of speaking the truth boldly, yet in a loving spirit. 8. Debate: This final speech will be a debate which will be open to the community. The event will have three parts. First, after receiving your topic, you must thoroughly research it and compose your argument. Second, you must present your speech on the designated night before the assembly. Finally, you must question and counter the person presenting the opposing position. Evaluation: Students will be evaluated according to… 1. Participation in classroom discussion. 2. Their individual speeches; 3. Their peer critiques *Note of Qualification: The inclusion of these items are dependent upon class size and amount of time available for classes. Hello home school friends!
I know that many of you have just finished (or are in the process of finishing up) the year. So you probably don't want to think about next year yet. But I wanted to see if there might be any interest in a couple of classes I'd like to teach this fall. I'd like to offer the following: a speech class, a creative writing class, a classic Christian literature class, and/or a basic Christian doctrine class. The classes would be for Jr. & Sr. High levels (most likely separate). They would meet for about an hour once a week for about 10-12 weeks. I know that cost would be a factor in your decision, and I'm open to negotiating that at this point. Right now I'm just seeing if there is any initial interest in any or all of the classes. If you are in the least bit interested (though not ready to commit), please let me know by the end of the month. If there is enough desire, I can get further details worked out and give you a better indication of the material we'll cover. You can call (419-289-2552) or email ([email protected]) to ask questions or to let me know you would be interested. It would also help if you would let me know the age of your child(ren) too. Godspeed, Matt Timmons Sue Hubacher will be teaching a four week art session on Thursdays (7,14,21,28) in April for home-school students. The children will be experimenting with various forms of print making. Cost is $20 for the session/per student (materials included in fee).
Ages 5-7 meet at 11:30AM to 12:30PM Ages 8-11 meet at 12:45 -1:45PM The classes are held at 1165 Shady Lane in Ashland (home of the Sinchoks). Please contact Dana Sinchok at [email protected] or 419.281.0315 if interested, or for more information. I wanted to share with you the opportunity we have to participate in the National Bible Bee, right here in Ashland, OH. Melody Swartzentruber and her family have driven an hour away to participate in this program for the past 2 years and have felt called to bring this opportunity home to Ashland. The National Bible Bee helps families to establish the life-long habit of discipleship in God's Word and prayer. One of the visions of the Bible Bee is to recognize, encourage, and reward children for diligent study of God’s Word. There are age appropriate materials available for the whole family to do together. The program runs from June 1 - August 28, with the local bee being held on Saturday, Aug. 27. I would like to encourage you to consider the Bible Bee, not as yet another activity, but as an opportunity in life that supports your goal of training and teaching your children that we are to be ALL about living and talking about Christ. This is an activity that has eternal results . . . it will help us as families to focus on what is important. Whether you think you have a champion at your house or not, I'd like to encourage you to have your whole family involved, so that your children will experience the excitement of witnessing other families holding God's Word as a top priority. There are three levels of participation available, so if you have a child that might not be interested in the intense study necessary for the opportunity to participate in the National Bee, perhaps they could register for the Timothy Track. This is the same study as the National Track, but with less verses to memorize. There is also the Supporting Sibling Track for those who may not yet be old enough to participate, or those who just might not want to compete. All three tracks receive the same study information and are encouraged to attend all of the summer activities. For more information, or to register, please visit Registration begins April 1. Space is limited, though to 75 participants, so if you think you might be interested, please don't wait too long to sing up! If you have any questions, you may contact me directly either by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 419-281-1542. Thank you for considering this opportunity to help encourage families to study God's Word together this summer. |