Recently I received a request from the lifestyle editor of the Ashland Times Gazette that I would like to pass on to you. The paper features original artwork by elementary students depicting the weather conditions for the day. Currently, there is a need for winter pictures that don’t depict snow. (Remember our rainy December!) This is also an opportunity to showcase some of the home school students who are not yet represented in this section of the paper.
If you’re elementary aged children would like to submit pictures please make sure that they are on white paper and drawn in crayons or markers. Place the child’s name, grade and home school denotation at the lower left margin of the page. The request is specifically for winter pictures without snow. (no leaves on trees, cloudy, etc..) You may encourage your children to show children engaging in winter activities in their pictures. Of course as the weather changes there are opportunities for other types of pictures so feel free to continue submitting different types of pictures. This is a great practical way to tie in art and weather studies and have your student published! Drop off or mail pictures to Lifestyle, Ashland Times Gazette, 40 E.Second St., Ashland OH 44805. If you have any questions you can direct them to Patty Knox at [email protected]. Blessings, Sherry M. Bouquet Comments are closed.