I've been asked if I was going to offer any classes next semester. If there is enough interest, I might be able to swing it. Here is my list from which to choose (note there are a few new ones): Public Speaking (details here) Creative Writing (details here) Composition—In this class we will work through the basic components of research and composition. The students will begin by writing a simple book report. Then they will do a beginner level research paper (3-5 pages) on a historical figure. The class will end with a major research paper (10 pages) on a contemporary issue. Journalism-- Students will learn the basics components of writing for newspapers and blogs. They will then be required to do basic journalistic research, conduct interviews and then write articles. Basic Doctrine (Sr. High) Basic Doctrine (Jr. High): Students will study some of the elementary principles of the faith through the Westminster Shorter Catechism (check out the textbook we'll use here). They will be required to study and memorize the Westminster Shorter Catechism, commit to memory the verses that accompany it each question and answer, fulfill assignments and take tests & quizzes.Christian ethics: I am also open to suggestions. If you have a class you would like to see taught, let me know! Each class would be 10-12 weeks in length and cost $65 per student or $110 for multiple children.Also, if you can't swing it in the new year but might be interested next fall (or summer if you are a year-rounder), just let me know. Godspeed to you all, Matt Timmons [email protected] 419-289-2552 Comments are closed.